Background & Origin of PFCC-U

The Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change‐Uganda (PFCC‐U) was formed in 2008 by Members of the 8th Parliament to respond to the pressing environmental, social and economic issues presented by Climate Change. Being among the first Parliamentary forum on climate change in Africa, the forum has influenced parliamentary climate change dialogue and reforms in many regions of the continent. PFCC‐U provides a mechanism through which Uganda can strengthen linkages between the parliamentarians, executives, the academia and civil society on climate change and related challenges through representation, legislation, budget allocation and oversight.

PFCC‐U provides a voice that facilitates and encourages direct dialogue to promote a more comprehensive approach to dealing with the impacts of Climate Change and preparing Uganda for the future. The Forum works in partnerships and collaborative mechanism to reinforce cooperation between parliamentarians, policy makers, the academic community, civil society, development institutions, and non‐governmental organizations. This approach is unique, to the effect that it facilitates broader participation and contribution from a wider stakeholder audience, who are key for successful climate change mitigation and adaptation in the country. Climate change is a long‐term and cross cutting issue that outlives electoral cycles of parliamentarians and affects every sector of the economy. This means that although MPs matter in framing effective response, so do the permanent institutions and civil servants that support them.

The Forum takes cognizance of the need to enhance the legislative, oversight, budgeting and representation roles of parliamentarians as a mechanism for mainstreaming climate change concerns into the national and global development frameworks such as the National Development Plan (NDP), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development strategy (SDS).

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Structure of the Forum

The Forum’s structure is classified into major six categories. These are Natural Resource and other Committee of Parliament, General Assembly, Advisory Board (Patron‐Speaker of Parliament and the Board of Trusties), the Executive Committee and the Secretariat.

Generally, the Forum has a Board of Trustees, an elected Executive Committee which comprises of 9 members namely; the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and 5 representatives from the different regions of Uganda. The Executive Committee is drawn from members of parliament and serves for two and half years in each respective position.

In terms of management and implementation, PFCC‐U secretariat and management is composed of the Programme Coordinator, Programme Officer, the Finance and Administration Officer. However, with resource availability, the organogram provides for Project Officers in charge of different components (including; gender, HIV/AIDS), research and consultants, volunteers and support staff as well as other personnel hired in accordance with labor demands at a particular timeframe.

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Mandate of the Forum

PFCC‐U was formed in 2008 to provide a voice that facilitates and encourages direct dialogue to promote comprehensive approach to dealing with the impacts of climate change and preparing Uganda for a better future. The forum works in partnership and collaboration to reinforce cooperation between parliamentarians, policy makers, the academic community, the civil society, development institutions and non‐governmental organizations.

PFCC‐U is registered with the Registrar of Companies under Companies Act as a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital on 9th /04/2009 under Registration Number 10792, the Parliament of Uganda, as well as finalizing registration with Uganda National NGO Board. PFCC‐U’s current bankers are United Bank of Africa‐Uganda under Bank Account Number0203001736, Spear House Branch. PFCC‐U have been of recent audited by Ardenfield Certified Public Accountants.

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Strategic Objectives for the Period 2018-2022

SO 1: To strengthen oversight of climate change planning, decision making and implementation of relevant interventions in Uganda.

SO 2: To ensure the enactment of inclusive, resilient and gender sensitive climate change laws that incorporates Integrated Risk Management principles in partnership with various stakeholders

SO 3: To provide an interface for climate change dialogue and a channel through which different stakeholders can have their climate change views voiced to parliament and in different fora, nationally/internationally.

SO 4: To support gender inclusive climate change sensitive budgetary allocations and appropriation.

Accomplishments over the years

Awareness and capacity building for Members of Parliament and selected constituencies on the implication of climate change effects and legislation.

Field excursions, benchmarking missions and learning visits to well performing approved climate Change Technologies nationally and internationally.

Supporting national climate change policy and Climate Change law development processes; PFCC-U members provided in-put during the development of the National Climate Change Policy and the ongoing climate Change Bill. More involvement is expected during the policy and law implementation.

Supporting national REDD+ process; forum members participated during the advance consultations for developing the REDD+ R-PP and the Consultation and Participation plan submitted to the World Bank/FCPF.

Influencing global climate dialogue; PFCC-U has always been represented among the government delegation for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COPs) since 2010 in Cancún, Mexico to date where members actively participated in several sessions of the conferences. In addition, PFCC-U has been taking part in the International Renewable Energy Agency in the quest to direct Uganda’s transition to a sustainable energy future.

The previous and current Strategic Plan involved a number of consultations from the Members and other stakeholders.

Promoting PFCC vision; several stakeholders; government agencies, CSOs and development partners have been sensitized about the unique climate change mitigation/adaptation opportunities that can arise through the forum. Some have expressed interest in working with the forum.

Increase in subscription; membership was 45 at the commencement of the ninth parliament. This has since more than doubled over time to date with over 200 membership by MPs

Regional climate integration; with support from Uganda parliament, GIZ and Ministry of Water and Environment, the forum convened a regional climate change symposium in Kampala in 2010. This brought together policy makers from the EAC and SADC to discuss regional climate change concerns. The Forum is in partnership with the Climate Parliament to advance climate mitigation options.

Doing the right thing,
at the right time.


Out Reached communities


Achievements & Successes






a) Increased partnerships and Networking between PFCC-U and other CSOs and government agencies. For instance, strong working relationship between Climate Change Department (CDD), Ministry of Water and Environment,NFA and Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA). Besides, CSOs, such as IUCN, PELUM among others continue to engage PFCC-U on policy and legal issues related to climate change and environment.


b) Increased activity based interventions. The grant period has witnessed number of activity based financial support from both national and international organizations. For instance, orientation of MPs on climate change, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development goals was funded by UNDP and ACCRA partners. Other support came from FAO. As a result, climate change agenda is gaining ground in Parliament.

Streamlining the parliamnetary role in climate change mitigation/adaptation
in uganda
